RoomWithoutRoof - open space

RoomWithoutRoof - a space of awareness - a common forum

RoomWithoutRoof is a small, new forum with high visions and heart for our challenges as human beings/souls in body in a chaotic, changing and uncertain time. It is a gathering place - a state of being - a space of consciousness - a 'now' field.
Who is the ROOM for?
It is for you who want more than the box allows and are drawn to unfold something deeper/higher in yourself and in the world.
I am still in the process of clarifying and in words simplifying the basic values​.
Until now, I have written about it from slightly different angles in several places here on the website.
If you are considering joining, please read
the common basics - a tekst in progress. 
So far you too find a way to the basics through each invitation.

As a starting point, there is no money economy involved. The forum is based on exchange and the awareness that we all taking part in creating the subtle field we share.
The summer is open for circles and one-on-one meetings.
Report back if you are interested
and maybe suggest new dates or initiatives!
See more about i.a. the physical space via the link open space
 the view to Sukkertoppen from here
Open space, open days - let me know when you'd like it to happen next...
              CIRCLES, NEW MEETINGS 
- in closenes with nature,
in presence with ourselves and each other.
The space is intended to be of supportive spirit and mutuality
- an embracing field, with room for sensitivity, vulnerability
  and true strengh
- where we will witness and be witnessed on our path
- where we can be present with the essential
- express our truth of the moment
  and just relax into being our selves.
This subtle and physical field requires that we all hold
 awareness of it and have a basic common attitude.
IN THE OPEN DAYS you are welcome to drop by, settle down for some hours or maybe a couple of days.
To a small extent, primitive accommodation is possible.

In these days of open spaces, anyone who feels a match are welcome
for longer or short stays - as it fits our day.
Contact for further agreements. | Sukkertoppen, Søhøjlandet, Midtjylland - DENMARK