events and ideas / ENG current info & initiatives

here and now

Here I - Hannah YAY - announce my circles
and other people's related initiatives.
And yours can be posted here too!
Get in touch..
 in short furthest down 
Himmelbjerggården, Midjutland near Ry
~ EarthWays is having a 5 day immersion course
in Work That Reconnects 
Marts 26.-30.
Hannah participates..
WILD HUMAN CIRCLE - winter fire gatherings 
by Anna, Vild Væren - Wild Being
✨️ Vol. II: 13/1 - 27/1 - 10/2 - 24/2 - 10/3  
Every second Monday in AARHUS, Risskov, Tumlepladsen
at 5-7.30pm + you're welcome to stay after the circle 
Please register with Anna via facebook
Invitation to Vol. II: - (copy/paste)
or through me, *Hannah 
Anna is a close fellow compagnion.
Joining Nov/Dec. 2024. has helped me keep my higher spirit and endure challenges.
I'm looking forward to these next gatherings. You are invited to join as you feel like.
about the gatherings November/December 2024:
Regular evenings around the fire exploring the wildness inside and around us through time in the woods and conversations around the fire, with people and with the life of the forest.
Maybe as an equivalent to now well-known women and men's circles. I am interested in what it means to be human in this time - especially in co-existence with all the other specieswe are here with.
- to grow the deeper roots and softer hearts we need in a time of interconnected global crises.
- to feel that we are not alone and to ask what it means that "we are nature".
- to lean into that support and wisdomnature in and around us has.
- to create community with space for the wholeness of who we are, and to heal.
- to strengthen inter-human and interspecies understanding and connection.
- because the world needs us to stop, to gather and to listen - to ourselves, each other and the life in the woods.
- because it is a crazy world and time we are living in, and gathering around the fire in the dark times gives us so much!
Every time we start and end around the fire.
We will spend some time in conversation, sharing and listening around the fire, and some time each for ourselves with the life in the woods, so we can bring other voices into the conversation around the fire.
We will explore stories, song, silence, encounters with nature and the questions and longings each of us bring.
These sessions are informed by my own longings, my experiences and practises, especially within Ways of Council, Nature-based rites of passage work, nature connection and the Work That Reconnects, as well as inspiration from many human and other-than-human guides, mentors, peers and teachers on my way. And then it will also be shaped by who and what shows up. 
I will suggest practices for the time in bewteen our gatherings, so there will be a continuation for those who come continously, but you are also welcome to just drop in once.
You who feel these words ressonate with something in you, whether it is expressed as curiosity, longing, scepticism or something else.
Both yours and my primary guides for the evenings are the fire, the circle, darkness and the life in the woods.
I, Anna, plan and facilitate the evenings and will sometimes invite other guest contributors. 
You can read a bit about me here:
Where: The bonfire hut 'Bålhytten' on Tumlepladsen in Riisskov 
Four Mondays in a row from 17-19.30. After 19.30 it is possible to stay and eat your brought food around the fire. So far the planned dates are: 18/11, 25/11, 2/12 og 9/12. And then continuing in some fashion after Christmas.
How much: 
I offer this in the spirit of a gift economy. Contributions for firewood is appreciated. Donations apart from that is received with gratitude (and will support me in further prioritizing this work), and not expected.
OPEN SPACE and CIRCLE QUEST (on free initiative)
- outdoors/indoors at Sukkertoppen/the red house
or elsewhere surrounded by nature
- feel free to suggest a time and a space for next time
* Being part of a quest circle 
○ is to be seen and witnessed
○ to see and witness
Is to dive into the question..
○ who am I
if I allowed myself to be what I am!?
- and allow what is in me to unfold in the moment - in its own expression
Is to create 
○ a listening / exploring / expressing / evolving / energetically sensitive space
○ a space that we mutually create from heart and integrity;
where we are given and give undisturbed focus; can receive and give feedback, when agreed upon 
○ a room without roof
- that embraces all we are and what we bring
being attentive to our impact
ALL YEAR by arrangement with hannah
RoomWithoutRoof in the caminion, in nature or online 
is a space for eksistential/essential sharing & processing,
intuitiv ping-pong, fun
and whatever comes from the heart
You are welcome if you sense a match and like me, wish to meet in an informal and focused atmosphere - to embody that which wishes to come through..

I also invite you to meet 'one to one' mostly focusing on your process.
with your process is in focus 

Currently the Caminion is located at the little red house
near Sukkertoppen

Or let's meet online - one to one or in a group setting
After a period of very little external activity and internal turbo, concrete ideas have slowly and unpredictably begun to come to life in the interactive reality.
- it is for you who feel in line with the basic thoughts
(allthough maybe not all aspects are equally important to you)
- you who follow your own ways
- who wish to co-create the space, maybe realize your own ideas. | Sukkertoppen, Søhøjlandet, Midtjylland - DENMARK