the field ~ explored / new structures ~ embodying new ways

new structures ~ embodying new ways

⚗️ words in process
We will mutually take responsibility for the spirit and the practicalities.
We can explore new physical, relational, economic structures.
We can explore how to promote space for sensitivity/sensibility
towards ourselves and each other
~ the more-than-human and subtle worlds.
We can practice inner authority
with changing or no outer leadership, 
'a unique and responsible voice in every seat of the circle'
intuitive facilitation etc.
We can explore exchange economy - non-profit ways
 to balance the energy and keep us all going.
to keep an eye out for thrive of the other, of oneself ,
of the space between us and of the whole
can be a mental practice we carry everywhere with us. | Sukkertoppen, Søhøjlandet, Midtjylland - DENMARK