Times are indeed getting challenging. As the world teeters with uncertainty, we are going through massive energetic shifts.
This is all part of the shift into a New Paradigm – but it’s not easy sometimes!
Things may feel confusing. Many of us are sensitive to increasingly heightened energy. Solar eclipses, solar flares, and global events ripple in and can create challenging life circumstances.
What do we need to do when the going gets really tough?
Just breathe.
The breath is our oldest friend. It was there to greet us the moment we were born and faithfully stands by our side for our entire life.
Many cultures around the world learned techniques for harnessing the power of breath. Techniques that help us master difficult circumstances and greatly improve our health.
Yogic traditions use a deep breathing technique called pranayama.
Shamanic cultures from around the world use breathing techniques to access mystical states.
And more recently, Leonard Orr created a more accessible style called Rebirthing Breathwork.
The Rebirthing Breathwork technique works on a cellular level to uncover when, how and why past feelings were stored and how we reproduce them in life according to our sensory inputs. It allows us to release them so we can move through life more unburdened; free to live our highest potential with ease.
The best part about Rebirthing breathwork is that it is safe. I am very excited to announce an upcoming online event dedicated to sound healing + breathwork
It will be hosted at the Incredible Pyramids of Chi in Ubud, Bali.

Date: Sunday, 7 May 2023 Time: 5 pm Bali Time / 8 pm Sydney / 9 am London (you can register and re-watch later at any time! Find your local time HERE) How to prepare: use good quality headphones or speakers, a comfort place to lie down, and dress comfy Cost: Pay-what-you-want – this makes it accessible for all You can watch at anytime: Once the event is live, you can re-watch using the same link anytime. We also will supply an alternate ads-free replay link after the performance.
Don’t worry if you can’t make it live – you can register and watch the event later!
Hope to see you there,
Kindest Regards Suntara and the Pyramids of Chi Team