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Meditative journey to the new "I" and its dreaming

Nedenfor - På trods af tydelige klip i redigeringen, er dette (august 24) min favorit morgen meditation, hvor Dr. Joe Dispenza bruger sin blide stemme, som rammer mig dybt og giver mig råderum.
(I andre af hans sessioner er stemme og musik 'mekaniseret' for at nå andre frekvenser - det virker modsat på mig pt. :)
Below - Despite cuts in the editing, this is my (August 24) favorite morning meditation, where Dr Joe Dispenza uses his gentle voice, that touches me deeply and gives me room to maneuver.
(In other of his sessions, voice and music are 'mechanized' to reach other frequencies - which works the opposite for me at the moment :)
by Dr. Joe Dispenza | Sukkertoppen, Søhøjlandet, Midtjylland - DENMARK