+ info / hannah yay's columne

hannah yay's columne

The world has gone mad
~ humans have -
in a way no other species would.
We need our higher instincts back.
The wildness that listens closely to its compagnions,
to its role in the web of life, web of energies, its interaction with
subtle beings of Cosmos, of Nature, of the Universe
~ attentive beings following their own sense of spiritual guidance
~ growing a conscious mind connected with heart, body, spirit.
It takes work and support to counteract how we - on different scales
- are seduced by alienated upbringing, manipulative leadership and media.
It is time to take leadership in our own lives
with a conscious sense of our interconnectedness.
When the old polarized morals and ethics
- based on old paradigme consciousness - dissolve..
How do we navigate?
How do we propose new common guidelines in the community, in society?
What is consciense?
What is compassion? 
What is our individual work for and contributions to the planet?
On these pages you find parts of my processing journey, trying to grasp who I am ~ what I'm here for + much more...
It is stories in move ~ moving with me. Never updated to this present moment. For that we need to meet!
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seedsofthenew.dk | Sukkertoppen, Søhøjlandet, Midtjylland - DENMARK