February 2025:
Behind the words on this website, am I ~ * HANNAH YAY
~ a spiritual nerd with a queer spirit ~
in an aging body, which seems to hold all the necessary myths
and states of being for me/'it' to unfold by.
I've lived my soul through clowning, poetic film- and story making, intuitive sound of voice, energies and words of wisdom flowing through a bubbly body.
My challenge is ~ loosing it, grapping it, seeking it ~ in new expressions of an initiated, initiating elderhood.
In my ways - I try to listen. I try to listen deep and high...
how to take part in the greater unfoldment
~ noticing what's unfolding through me..
Recently, in a splitsecond I felt like I had moved
into a fresh start, a blank board.
~ coming from decades of inner transformation
and a culminating frustration towards our 3D world situation.
The questions that came in my newborn mind and attentiveness were:
What kind of world is this?
Who am I in it?
How do I thrive here?
The 'answers' coming are astonishing and give base for new stories.
Now in these times of so much outer change
I'm curious to see whom may somehow resonate with this
need of compagnionship and a space
to explore our multifacetted questions, connections and thrive.
I hope you will respond through your presence
and maybe add to the discovery of new expressions and stories
from your spiritual and existential experience.