some possible meeting points

Maybe like me - you are

- in an open place in life where you must find your new path
and believe in - or will make an attempt to cope with the challenges of the time, the fear and confusion by finding your truth and strength from within.

- highly sensitive
you easily perceive the energy/what is happening in subtleties of the room and the relation, and you are easily overwhelmed as well.

- nerd and driven by your own inner universe
Together with someone who may feel approximately the same way we may find an understanding for the loneliness that often follows the inner drive not grasped by the majority
and we may find space for that to unfold which can only arise in relation to others.
Spiritually, you may see yourself as:
- queer, two-spirited, etc. whose vibration and colors break boundaries,
which merges the feminine and masculine into a completely new spectrum of consciousness - in spirit / body / arts of living.

- a star seed, maybe not quite landed on this planet!
And yearn for expression, recognition, help to be in the body.
Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow...
Is it time to find our soulmates!?

Or maybe some of these concepts and practices mean something to you:
- inner rewilding
- embodied wisdom and spirit
- the journey from 3D to 5D consciousness / from duality to unity
- divine evolution
- guidance / channeling
- Christ consciousness
- light body unfoldment 
you have other ways and words to understand and deal with the indefinable change and magic that happens within/around us.
Is your heart calling you to promote change?
Maybe as an
- articist / subtle global activist!

Already WE are CREATING a new world by all our being and doings.
Perhaps we will make ourselves visible together or mutually inspire each other to an expression that nourishes unity rather than division.
It could happen via humor and poetry / responsible anarchism / release of our own and the world's basic pains.
Possibly by communicating and channeling energy through voice OR in other fields of expression.
Maybe you see something of yourself here
and hold other aspects to bring to the circle
We will adapt our gatherings and circles according to present needs, themes and other meeting points coming up as we meet as diverse and mulifacetted, living, changing beings.

Your input and feedback here will make a difference!
Your presence even more. | Sukkertoppen, Søhøjlandet, Midtjylland - DENMARK