by everyone aiming to bring in their awareness
- on heart'n'mind'n'body'n'spirit and the common field -
- on their inquiries, natural expression and skills -
- self-responsiveness, truth and care -
we will explore our new ways of today, leading to a new tomorrow
Forum & text in brewing process ⚗️
I'm about to investigate and find words for the higher agenda here! 
How to mingle the core beliefs, values I carry as an initiator of this space with the invitation to a concrete setting. 
The space itself holds some tools. 
Focus on the present moment is a basic one - and from here the unfoldment of that which comes through each one of us and through that which comes from the unique constellation of those who are gathered here today.
It may be a continuous quest into the issues, themes, aspects we are living and working on at the moment
- a quest of what is and will be our next step in fulfilling our hopes and dreams and clear-seeings of the future!?
To find the right words, to make it more simple - I feel a need to mingle with people with the same kind of path, but still I'm excited to embrace our diversities - that which broaden my view,  my heart, my sense of me and of us. 
To make it work - the experience and consciousness must grow through our meetings - our common lived reality...
Some possible headlines...

For the moment I've named it
'a co-created soul•in•life lab'
(most likely it will change)
a space where we can explore new ways of
- expressing, embodying our unique aspects of body, heart, soul and spirit
- a space for the lived study of our own unique ways + ways in interrelationships - interconnectedness.
An 'experimentarium' of what will arise from presence, from the principle of the circle: 'a leader in every chair', from respect and care of diversity within the one and amongst the many.
Some questions/inquiries could be:
Are we the magical seeds of our time!?
- embodying/rooting a new world through us!?
How do we live with our diverse experiences of being a human/a soul in a bodybeing?
- being inclusive in our meetings with others -  also those with a different temperament, beliefs, cultural/subcultural narratives, norms and ethics and feel of belonging or maybe a floating feel of NOT belonging, some looking up to the skies,  others to the earth.
How do we unfold the treasures here?
How do we cope with our different woundings and psychological processes in our relations and expressions?
How do we create a subtle field that holds us - that make it possible for everyone to listen deep enough and act wise!
How do we keep dreaming, fantasising, expressing our own ways - trusting the souls passions, processes, potentials through co-creation and chaos !?
What will unfold from our souls when we are ready to set ourselves free!?
seedsofthenew.dk | Sukkertoppen, Søhøjlandet, Midtjylland - DENMARK