intentional voicing circle

I imagine us meeting in a circle
- letting our sound out... setting our hearts free..
With the intention to serve a greater good
- through our hearts and voices - it will...!
In addition our hearts and voices will open and change...
Each put her own intention, his own way..
say it out loud or keep it silent inside.
We may open the space with simple heart/mantra songs
- if you know one - please share and maybe bring along your instrument!
At some point we let our voices loose into sounding
Together, followed by One by One being i focus, letting out sound, cough, hoarseness, harmony, disharmony, tones, whatever comes...
The Circle will be listening, following, supporting, contrasting, contributing...
Together we weave this unique soundscape of the moment.
And our shared intention will hold the space and lead the energy into what's needed beyond our will and control. | Sukkertoppen, Søhøjlandet, Midtjylland - DENMARK