The circle practice is powerful in itself, but even more if you start to become aware of the space as a cocoon for everyone to grow and transform - just as it can work as a tool for inner learning in relation to others. 
It is an art to co-create a space of attentiveness, discovery, integrity and feeling safe in relating and interaction.
- a space to discover yourself, as well as mirroring and supporting others.
You may find help here:
(for now in Danish)
The notion 'leader in every chair'
may help to see oneself as a co-leader of the space 
If you choose to have a facilitator of the circle
'Surrendered leadership' is for the spaceholder to remember the intent to listen to the subtleties and outspoken needs of the attendants as well as the bigger outcome of greater good, instead of ego ideas.
IN 'YOUNG' CIRKLES - we may stick more strict to the structure as it will be a learning space that may not yet offer us support if we loosten the structure.
The self-inquiry and at the same time learning skills of heartfull relation can be a demanding process. BUT as the ground of the circles structure is simple and firm it gives required space to the individual and direction for the group.
Agreements will be made in the start, often taking their outspring in guidelines found by predecessors in ways of the circle.
The spaceholder or guardian will assure its supporting influence throughout the circle.
Suggestion to guidelines and structure you find here: BASIC STRUCTURE & GUIDELINES (in Danish)

COCREATION - FOLLOWING THE FLOW may crave some experience in circle work or a natural sense of being part of the attentive space - and a heart committed to the quality represented in the guidelines.

Setting the space free for the flow of cocreation may hold or not hold the structure of a circle and find its own and new ways of relating to self, others and the wholeness of being.
It may range from deeper inquiry and higher service to free gatherings of playfulness or just hanging out and see what creativity of the moment brings.
The world call for us to come together.
Create you own circle space!
- make it yours by polishing the stucture and guidelines as you -
as an individual or group find it matching your energy and intent.
In creating your own circle you may find use of the work of those referred to in WAYS OF THE CIRCLE - in different practices | Sukkertoppen, Søhøjlandet, Midtjylland - DENMARK