It is January 24, 2023. It is Tuesday.
This experience may start in me years ago, when I learned from shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman*, the story of a people drinking poisoned water out of need. From the belief that it was pure and good - they survived without side effects.
Reading yesterdays news - that the PFAS 'everlasting chemicals' with alarming effect on the human body are even more spread than thought - turned on a confronting alarm i my system.
This morning this 'clear see & sense' pupped up:
Blessing my food may not make the measures of chemicals go away. The Blessings can create a vibration that harmonice with my body, so it doesn't see the polluted food as an enemy, but as a friend. This is crusial to grasp and start to consciously embody.
We can eat all the healthiest foods and still poison it with our thinking. We can take the world in as a friend and it will find it's ways.
This goes with everything
Along with acting my ways on a clean and balanced planet, this is part of my resilience and my vibrational co-creation
Blessed be the air that I breathe
Blessed be the water I drink
Blessed be the earth that I walk upon
- that feeds me
Blessed be the purifying ice
- the cleansing and transforming fires
Blessed be our common path upon this
Wondrous planet
* "[Sandra Ingerman] has taught for 40 years.. on shamanic journeying, healing and
reversing environmental pollution using spiritual methods"
including preventing trees from catching destructive disease