seeds of the new 🌏 a magic undercurrent of our time
🌤🏕✨️ the space and its spirit
the field ~ being explored
step in as a co-creator
the basic spirit
exploring new structures ~ new ways
exchange economy explored ~ udvekslings økonomi
inspired by circle ways
a magic undercurrent
current initiatives
DA aktuel info & initiativer
cirkel quest
én til èn - IRL eller online
queer spirit
ENG current info & initiatives
one to one - IRL or online
into the voice circle
queer in spirit
circle quest
members page
🌍 where are we located!? ~ world map (to come)
hannah yay ~ the face behind 'seeds of the new'
🌎 dear fellow travellers
🌏 mit univers ↓
🌍 skriv / essays ↓
🌏 a living☆soul☆lab ↓
🌍 related inspiration
YAY ~ creational sound & personal myth making
into the voice
the stories we live by ~ mythmaking
+ info & inspiration
DK base - Midtjylland
åbne rum / open spirit n' spaces
open space n' spirit
Sukkertoppen - naturen / nature
nature around Sukkertoppen
det røde hus / the red house
the red house
the Caminion
find vej / road directions
road directions
inspiration ☆ free resources
in writing
🌍 our space ↓
RoomWithoutRoof (hannah)
room without roof
a space of the new sacred
circlen som praksis
a personal writing
🌏 for our journeys ↓
Just breathe (Daniel Coates)
Dreaming New Eden (Zia)
I Ching of Gene keys (R. Rudd)
7 self-care strategies for dismantling the patriarchy (Jo Linden)
Queer Spirit
What can we do! (Arkan Lushwala)
A Tibetan Prophecy (Joanna Macy)
Sound of the Genuine (Howard Thurman)
A galactic perspective (Wendy Kennedy a.m.)
Den Sorte Madonna og Montserrat (hannah)
Welcoming Weird Elderhood (Michael Meade)
More links & extras
embodied living FILM extract
usynlige verdens aktivister
the mother of all mothers has arised
related inspirations and projects - links
embracing weirdness TED talk
songs for singing / listening
what singing together can do
talks & videos
Circle Ways
What could go right? (Pat McCabe)
Reconnecting (Joan Macy)
Climate crisis as a spiritual path (Joan Macy)
Caring for our planet (C Armon)
Living with intention (Green Renaissance)
Simple relating tool (hannah)
Choose Again
Wisdom from a 96 year old
A Creative (Jacob Collier)
Two spirit people
GA-GA release (hannah)
Grounding for Lightseeds (New Earth Mystery School)
The power of silence (dr Joe Dispenza)
Meditative journey to the new "I" (Joe Dispenza)
Exploring our Shared Humanity ~ short films
3 movies + a link to more
members page
hannah yay ~ the face behind 'seeds of the new'
/ 🌍 related inspiration
🌍 where are we located!? ~ world map (to come)
hannah yay ~ the face behind 'seeds of the new'
🌎 dear fellow travellers
🌏 mit univers ↓
🌍 skriv / essays ↓
🌏 a living☆soul☆lab ↓
🌍 related inspiration
YAY ~ creational sound & personal myth making
passed on inspiration and free resources | Sukkertoppen, Søhøjlandet, Midtjylland - DENMARK