INTO THE VOICE - circle of singing, sounding, wording

Teksten her, og ved behov, vil hovedsproget være engelsk, når vi mødes. 
Du kan frit udtrykke dig på dit foretrukne sprog..
The text here is mostly in English.
When we meet, you are free to express yourself in your preferred language.
Ind i Stemmen
- er at skabe sammenhæng
mellem følelse, sansning og stemmen,
lade vores dybere væsen / højere væren
komme til live gennem lyd.
Next circle will be part of "Quirky Quests & Cosmic Creations" between May 23.- 31.
and hosted by hannah.
Place: on anna's boat in AarhusTræskibshavn.
Tiny space indoors for 4-5 people
Suggested time: Thursday, May 30, 7-9pm.
- or bring in your preferations
It's a co-created circle and it's for free!
Please read this invitation.
And to further see if you feel in tune with the spirit of the space,
you can go to current initiatives
Into The Voice
The only prerequisite is a desire to go deeper through the voice and share and listen from the heart. We will co-create a sensitive and supportive space where the individual's integrity is respected..
"The voice is my most powerful tool
to instantly connect to my deeper being.
It may neither be beautiful nor fantastic.
It is the vibration of my truth in the present moment
- and maybe in it self my strongest message.
And sometimes it needs a cave, a witness
or a purpose to fully unfold." 
- is to create connection between feeling, subtle sensing and the voice.
Allowing our deeper being / higher presence to come into life through sound.
Allowing the wild, the gentle - the love, the light - to flow through us.
I'd like to invite you to this sharing circle
- a setting where we create an atmosphere that helps us connect with the energies of the voice. Where we can invite deeper feelings or/and open to the flow of spirit.
The inner material we draw from is unique to each one of us – so is the key to it. And we can use the space to find our ways.
The subtle field that holds us is created by everyone bringing in a supportive spirit
- and by everyone sharing that which engage and touches us in the moment - through songs/sound/words of the voice.
Everyone is given their own time & space to share - how you wish and what you feel to share.
To support our hearts authenticity
we aim to hold a supportive space:
Beforehand you may wish to prepare a song or other starting point for your sharing or you may wish to leave it up to the time in the circle.
We all can take leadership here, so if you know a connecting song or other kind of tools, you find could support the unfolding of the voice for yourself or someone else or support the common field - please bring it along.
What we prepared for on behalf of the group may or may not come into play.
What we may have prepared for ourself can be a possible selection to choose from in the moment.
On your own behalf, any contribution will be welcomed.
It is for free..
The only prerequisite is a desire to go deeper through the voice and share and listen from the heart. And all in all, help create the sensitive and supportive space where the individual's integrity is respected.
I look much forward to co-create this magic field with you


* PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: Voice is a powerful tool that may awaken dormant energies, and these feelings are most welcome!
For some the field may have a therapeutic effect, but please be aware that this is not a therapeutic setting and each of us are responsible for our own proces. | Sukkertoppen, Søhøjlandet, Midtjylland - DENMARK