wisdom and wonders of QUEER SPIRIT

Cosmic Queers Circle -  possible from May 20.- 31. 
on anna's boat'n'home, Aarhus Træskibshavn
- hosted by hannah 
- date and time coming up - bring in your suggestion.
You are invited for a spacious and caring quest
into your inherent queer heart and wisdom 
We can choose a theme or keep it open for what arises from our personal / spiritual arena
A sense of multible wisdoms and wonders of gender fluidity and queerness call me to invite to connect in a circle...
Queerness for me is associated with the spirit that follows an open interplay with the entire color spectrum, which naturally contains the feminine and masculine energies in free play.
- so beautifully expressed by this artist, articist and messenger
by hudhaus - the queer sol collective
seedsofthenew.dk | Sukkertoppen, Søhøjlandet, Midtjylland - DENMARK