Some seeds grow fast, some grow real slow.
Given awareness, listening and responding to its needs it will naturally carry its qualities and powers into the world - into the web of life.
If you respond to this metaphor and align with a path of 'being present with'
you may ask yourself
How do I sense, see, feel, imagine my seed within?
What is the nature of this inner potential?
What is the pace and circumstances in which it at the same time rests and unfolds?
What kind of fertile ground and nourishment does it need?
These may be the first and maybe final questions for the human ego to hold in mind and act on - e.g. through a lived dicipline -
as our inner seeds seem to hold their own natural force in unfolding and seemingly does that best without interference from the ego mind.
It may show itself through the body, through intuition and vision - through the unfoldment itself.
And may satisfy the quest to know
(about the nessescity to allow new ways of thinking and an acknowledgement of different angles of the mind & the power of the mind, metaphor, myth, new archetypes)
Resting in truth and trust of the Universe we can support ourselves and each other in freeing this higher potential in its own unique ways.