Open space, open days - let me know when you'd like it to happen next...
- in closenes with nature,
in presence with ourselves and each other.
The space is intended to be of supportive spirit and mutuality
- an embracing field, with room for sensitivity, vulnerability
and true strengh
- where we will witness and be witnessed on our path
- where we can be present with the essential
- express our truth of the moment
and just relax into being our selves.
This subtle and physical field requires that we all hold
awareness of it and have a basic common attitude.
IN THE OPEN DAYS you are welcome to drop by, settle down for some hours or maybe a couple of days.
To a small extent, primitive accommodation is possible.
In these days of open spaces, anyone who feels a match are welcome
for longer or short stays - as it fits our day.
Contact for further agreements.