I've come (back) to - that my basic trust platform as a human on planet Earth is LOVE, is LIGHT as I sense and see it in my inner world.
Recently a transformation made me open to fully receive universal love in its abundant, from a never ending reservoir.
A precious state of being - so simple - why so rarely coming into my experience!? I ask myself.
Is it my flying nature, a higher mind and clear-seeings coming strongly to me from realms of 'out of bodily sensations' - that has made it a necessary diciplin for me to connect energetically/sensuous to my heart. And maybe my oversized self image of being a 'servant' - apparently makes me think I'm not a 'recipient' or someone to be healed.
It is gradually coming to my deeper knowing, that 'receiving' in every aspect may be what my future being is about.
From here, that which shall, will radiate.
In my former world of idea - I've seen God as love.
Through recent channeling from the Pleadens (through an outer channel) I've learned that 'when energy flows freely through your body, this is what you - as humans - call love'
Consulting the love energies along with 'talking' to different sides of the subtle realms, assures me I'm on my right path.
It's kind of my safety ground to distinguish what track to follow and what not to follow. Along with sensation in my body and heart which is the finest instrument to reasure myself that I'm on a pure and high-frequency line.
When this is said - taught that we have different kinds of clairvoiance - mine is said to be 'just knowing' - and I know that :-) - those tools mentioned is only when I'm not in totally tune with myself. All through my life I've had this 'knowing' as my utmost guide - and it stil is, but through turmoilt it sometimes have difficulty in finding me.
Being in the chaos and insecurities of entering a total new way of visioning and understanding I'm learning these ways of finding my path of truth and trust in 'good intention' and God as love.
My physical heart space has become my place of spiritual focus, my space for tuning in and asking advice.
I ask my heart - What's up? - what about this issue?
And I get reliable answers. In word and cognition.
As examples - for several months been I've been working with codes from the Pleiadeans on resilience toward negative influences from the covid vaccine -
Together with more resent daily work with light codes and light language (outer medium) I'm now in daily contact with the pleiadean field, and I somehow believe my inner messages come from there (to know more specific I still have work to do)
I've never felt, juhuu I'm a pleadian starseed - but surely - I feel I am a seed from somewhere above/beyond. Before I've seen it as something to work on - not bring 'truly' incarnated in body.
I've seen many teachings, many around me finding their life force through earth, through the lower chahras of the body - I just never really found it coming through below. And I've kind of come to the conclusion, that my life force ia coming straight through me from above and my movements in body are carried by energy
(basicly I cannot train my body to strengh or train my voice to be powerful - it sometimes arise in due time out of nowhere - without exercise).
And this is just how I'm structured.
I think everyone may come from the stars originally - we just have our different ways and moves.
In that narrative I've felt connected to the galactic energy of Ashtar - as a subtle sensation and feel of knowing.
Reading a bit about what's told about the Ashtar Command - I (maybe wrongly) connect it to my urge to be a 'truth teller', my tendency to watch crime fiction and the big narratives - and a feeling being part of a global militarypolice unit of ethics/morals/raising/behavioral issues - on a cosmic level feeling as a world leader, imposing justice/order.
Imposing leadership is what I've always known NOT to be the right way - and obviously out of date.
At least in my landscape of reference - a majority is working on self realization and in a bigger time frame gurus are dead - governments are dying.
And I'm holding an intuitive knowing that these times are for everyone to take their own leadership.
Anyway this way of sensing a spiritual mission (I can't find any psychological reason for) has kept me in a state of DUTY. That my life was about fulfilling this mission. No holidays here...
It's like I've been going on, going on - driven by this question "HOW do I act out this inner craving!?"
Leading to an underlying heavy tiredness throughout life and later hopelessness, discouragement, the "why!" when my outer ongoing plans didn't turn out in a scale I felt obliged to.
UNTIL it gradually has changed.
Many factors I guess.
One is I felt a setting free, when at some point, I just by chance overheard someone channelling a message from the upper worlds, - something like a war had ended on a cosmic level, and this so and so group of beings finally had fulfilled their task and were set free.
I just KNEW that was my crew and an instant, huge release were effectually.
Another may be the new blueprint I received in 2016. Since I've searched- "WHAT now"? - who am I without this easily aggressive mission? - and these questions have not so far been fully answered- BUT the constant craving has disappeared, leaving a long time of no energy fir anything- part of me fekt I had given up on life ... but somehow it just changed, released, a letting go of what life should be like to be worth living. And with this magical gift of early retirement benefit - I have all my time and energy to choose following my steps as they reveal themselves in the present moment. I am somehow growing into the knowing that all I need to do is to be me. And the whole wider worlds , including my daily life, is opening up itself to BE my fulfillment. And brand new values and guidelines are offered.
I finally feel at peace with all the steps on a daily basis- and the will to live - or die, if that's my destiny, seems to be seriously settling in me.
I am (presumably) here to take part in the change of the notion of hierarchy and leadership.
Throughout this lifetime I've felt a need to rule, but along with this a need to transform the aggression of my inner warrior of love and light for the world - into LOVE and LIGHT itself.
Today I feel this sense of heart and truth of light becoming more and more embodied in me - and hence the inner need to rule and control 'the people' - as it were in my mythical story - is vanishing.
And thanks to God for this change.
Let it be a symbol for what's happening on the bigger scale.
I do feel that what's happening inside of me to a big extent is mirrored in others, with whom I share my journey. This is my grounds to believe it happening in the undercurrents of human consciousness.
Carrying this feel of heavy duty destiny I'm blessed to be given a kind of opposite personality or is it a higher aspect - the one that carry humour at hearts.
My time as poetic street clown still seems to my peek period, concerning visibility on my soul's expression.
Here I truly felt aligned with the magical child and my higher being through heart performance, interaction, improvisation, the energy flowing through.
Maybe this was given to me to evolve the heart chakra and my human heart - letting that take the lead (in relation to the more cold and clear qualities of the 'truth teller' and the pineal chakra)
In the attempt to reconcile the two sides I could call myself
Clown in Command of Subtle Scenarios for a New World Order 😉
These two aspects have had severe influence on how I have perceived myself throughout life as a being of spirit in the world.
There are much more aspects to my personal myths.
Some change over time, even day by day - some are more persistent.
I have been very engaged in evolving these myths on different levels.
As well as supporting others in finding their guiding myths."The Stories We Live By" comes to my mind. This sentence vibrates with my understanding. It is the title of a scientific book about personal myths by Dan P. McAdams.
Receiving conscious touch sessions by my 'Earth Goddess', who has been following and preciously witnessing me for a decade in my inner visioning - hidden narratives are being unfolded and moved.
Within the body, within my energy system - many different pictures exist side by side. I've seen all sorts of energies represented by a vast number of pictures from our shared library of stories and myth.
I have seen myself as different ETs - white and blue aliens, as a peaceful, loving reptilian...
as species and qualities of the animal kingdom, dragons, cartooned figures.
I sense a galactic, androgynous queer/two spirited aspect, that feels more as an identifying core to my being.
Seeing - in me, stored in the body - some of the manyfold stories, myths and energies we find in writings / in movies - I may understand a bit about where they come from - is it our common origin - the primeval sea - the stars!?
- where we may each have our own unique move / where we may be alike.
To me it seems as stories on different levels supporting my process of inner unfoldment.
In these bodysessions with the assistant of this skilled and intuitive body facilitator - they play a crusial part in releasing, moving, rising - and behind/beyond this - in one form/picture or another - the Light every time has ended up filling my being in a no word experience.
Maybe they truly ARE needed on the journey to oneness - to the levels of a higher consciousness where our dramas and duality seems to be dissolved.
The wording can take me away from myself or be just the vehicle needed to reach the core.
In this and other ways I now and then sense and see energies of different qualities - in and around me - that do not seem to be part of my 'me myths'.
- and often I don't receive names or find boxes for these subtle sensations.
Just recently I had a embodied meeting with the Galactic Council. Having heard others name it as such, my sceptic always shows its face. But that experience made me trust that that is a field I can turn to (or they to me) in question of overview matters.
In matters of the human heart I sense there is a field of ascended masters - White Brother/Sisterhood (including Jesus Christ) I can turn to, that are capable of providing understanding, healing energy / love to my process and maybe to others through my system.
And there are more - like 'the Holy Ghost' I've had been presented to by name - but as I say - so far it's rare for me to name the nuances in the subtle field.
Instead maybe I can say that higher truth, clear crystal pureness, magic and love has kind of always been a central site to who I experience I AM.