16.06 2022 - update
I'm in the rooting position these days. And when I look onto these pages sometimes I cannot even follow my own ways.
This is how it is - the path - it moves in different spheres and places. 
I feel a yummy rooting proces going on in my life force energy. The thrill comes from the world of integration. Of the peculiarities and presents I have found in my heart, my heartmind, spirit and body along the way. And no wonder present and present is the same word. It IS the same!
RØDDERNES FORTÆLLINGER - at skabe rodnetværk via sin historie 
13.05 2022 - update
It comes clearer to me these days - how simple it is.
I call a higher potential into being through meeting and moving with 'what is' - it releases tension and brings forth the soft, wild and wisely connected heart which is needed in fostering a new world.

So much density and tension in the human spheres and hearts -
so much new promising intelligence and healing in the spiritual light.

When I dare meet the pain - I find compassion and love for the world I am suffering with, my heart softens and dissolves the tension in me and in the collective field.

   I believe love and presence
   somehow will make the
    fertile soil in which
   the seeds of our soul can
   grow into a new
   consciousness and a new
   world of lightness and love
I'm on a path of spiritual awakening and human unfolding. Sometimes these two aspects collide inside of me - and I approach them one at a time as they ask for attention.
To allow the confusion and be able to fully go with what is up in the moment it helps me to know that somehow they support each other and at some point they become one.
My tool to be able to cope with all the mental contradictions and not to drown in overwhelm of strong energies is a practice of refining my listening and grounded presence. Breath, body awareness, nature guide me into alignment.
Until I'm ready to surrender wholly - 'presence' as practice is crucial. It is simple and powerful but craving!
Along with the inner work goes nurturing, digesting moments of watching my favorite tv-series, coffee contemplation and a good deal of fun&foolishness.
The processes offers profound change and letting go into an energetical, magic experience, together with being confronted with and going through my deepest wounding.
In these times of planet earth in deep crisis and change, I/we follow along.
Especially the last 10 years have been a time of radical inner transformation for me.
The writings on this website (much off-line at the moment) holds energies that mirror levels I am and have been going through in these processes of cleansing, new insight and vision. It is an ongoing opening to my human and spiritual nature.
On the human level it has been a roler coaster of thought and feeling and changing outlooks. It is a process of honouring and staying with emotions and states of beings - giving it its time and letting it all move in natural transformation.
In the dicipline of uplift into the realms of clarity and light I've found the necessity to walk slow in shamanic presence, devote myself to the support from galactic energies and to the staying in the void. Maybe I'm now in the process of returning to my magic being with a more grounded presence. 
But nothing is given. The new mystery unfolds step by step and has no prehistory.
On a human level I've felt a very self-centered need for inquery and creative expression - but at the same time I've always known that what works and expresses through me - create changes in the wholeness of being and sometimes is a message from a higher level of consciousness. And I feel this as truly connected to my spiritual journey and purpose in life.
Seemingly I am now slowly becoming able to turn the view from my own navel and universe out into the wider worlds.
Through this still not easy integration process - presence with my woundings - I come to discover our shared pains and find deeper compassion for peoples sufferings. 
When I let myself feel my pain of the planet it opens me to the appreciation ang gratefulness for 'what is'.
(Supported by THE WORK THAT RECONNECTS that recently has caught me by the heart)
Becoming able to give space for wider relating I look forward to release some of my tresured aloneness and grow into a whole-centered consciousness in community with people and the truths of my day. Here I see my utmost task as 'loving the new into being' 
and from this I invite us to co-create a sacred field together. One of nourishment, release, creativity and a clear and spacious atmosphere to support our individual and shared journeying.
seedsofthenew.dk | Sukkertoppen, Søhøjlandet, Midtjylland - DENMARK