/ min største udfordring i tiden
Reaching my deepest pain made me remember my core values and passion of soul. And it made me understand my fury and despair in these challenging times.
I remembered how vulnerable I feel, how much pain I hold from witnessing this wondrous planet being exploited and hurt - witnessing and being part of what has come forth from inside of us humans in our eagerness to explore and control the precious gifts we do not own but are part of. 
I remembered myself as a child of the Universe, here to live in harmony with all beings - but inner/outer circumstances has led me to forget - and instead has put up a protective warrior identity inside of me, ready to point the arrow onto anyone seemingly threatening thought or action.
From deep inside I know my true warrior is one of peace, with space enough to accomodate the diversity of life and life's processes and creativity through us as human beings.
I need to excamine how I get there in mind and heart...
- writing in progress...
seedsofthenew.dk | Sukkertoppen, Søhøjlandet, Midtjylland - DENMARK