seeds of the new 🌏 a magic undercurrent of our time
🌤🏕✨️ the space and its spirit
the field ~ explored
the basic spirit ~ explored
new structures ~ embodying new ways
exchange economy explored ~ udvekslings økonomi
the circle and its guidelines
events and ideas
DA aktuel info & initiativer
cirkel quest
én til èn - IRL eller online
into the voice
queer spirit
rum for autonome sjæls rejsende
på Anna's båd/Risskov (Aarhus)
ENG current info & initiatives
one to one - IRL or online
into the voice circle
queer in spirit
circle quest
on Anna's boat/Risskov (Aarhus)
room for autonomous travelers
the stories we live by ~ mythmaking
hannah yay ~ the face behind
🌏 mit univers ↓
how to present myself?
the magical undercurrent
my back up team longing
my ways
finding at home on earth!
from I to WE
🌍 skriv / essays ↓
magic & frequency
os der bryder med traditioner - et kanaliseret budskab
træet, bjerget og magien
how to plant a butterfly!?
budskab i en overgangstid
🌏 a living☆soul☆lab ↓
treasury of tools
exploring our beingness
the stories we live by
+ info & inspiration
DK anchoring point - Midtjylland
åbne rum / open spirit n' spaces
open space n' spirit
naturen v Sukkertoppen / the nature
nature around Sukkertoppen
det røde hus / the red house
the red house
the Caminion
find vej / road directions
road directions
inspiration ☆ free resources
in writing
🌍 our space ↓
RoomWithoutRoof (hannah)
room without roof
a space of the new sacred
circlen som praksis
a personal writing
🌏 for our journeys ↓
Just breathe (Daniel Coates)
Dreaming New Eden (Zia)
I Ching of Gene keys (R. Rudd)
7 self-care strategies for dismantling the patriarchy (Jo Linden)
Queer Spirit
What can we do! (Arkan Lushwala)
A Tibetan Prophecy (Joanna Macy)
Sound of the Genuine (Howard Thurman)
A galactic perspective (Wendy Kennedy a.m.)
Den Sorte Madonna og Montserrat (hannah)
Welcoming Weird Elderhood (Michael Meade)
More links & extras
embodied living FILM extract
usynlige verdens aktivister
the mother of all mothers has arised
related inspirations and projects - links
embracing weirdness TED talk
songs for singing / listening
what singing together can do
talks & videos
Circle Ways
What could go right? (Pat McCabe)
Reconnecting (Joan Macy)
Climate crisis as a spiritual path (Joan Macy)
Caring for our planet (C Armon)
Living with intention (Green Renaissance)
Simple relating tool (hannah)
Choose Again
Wisdom from a 96 year old
A Creative (Jacob Collier)
Two spirit people
GA-GA release (hannah)
Grounding for Lightseeds (New Earth Mystery School)
The power of silence (dr Joe Dispenza)
Meditative journey to the new "I" (Joe Dispenza)
3 movies + a link to more
🌏 mit univers ↓
how to present myself?
the magical undercurrent
my back up team longing
my ways
finding at home on earth!
from I to WE
🌍 skriv / essays ↓
magic & frequency
os der bryder med traditioner - et kanaliseret budskab
træet, bjerget og magien
how to plant a butterfly!?
budskab i en overgangstid
🌏 a living☆soul☆lab ↓
treasury of tools
exploring our beingness
the stories we live by
There is always a magical doorway
We might not notice
Start to put intention, love, intuition
and your creative powers
to what you wish for
Doors will open
And we will see
MAGIC IN ITS MAKING | Sukkertoppen, Søhøjlandet, Midtjylland - DENMARK