Room Without Roof

a writing in English further down
er en vision og intention om at skabe en støttende ramme for den der søger nye veje i livet og i verden
- give en mulighed for at finde sig selv i sit eget udtryk - stå i sin egen sandhed og sjælelige oplevelse/vejledning
- give en mulighed for at udvide vore sanse, hjerte, åndsbevidsthed med indflydelse på os selv, vores omverden og helheden.
Det er et forum og af og til et fysisk samlingssted
for små cirkler - som umiddelbart og midlertidigt kan etableres, hvor som helst.
April 2023, var første gang visionen mødte virkeligheden
Det er en start fra scratch, hvor hvert møde, al feedback er med til at forme forummet.

Spred budskabet, så vi kan blive et favnende netværk, lokalt og globalt.
in English 
RoomWithoutRoof is a space of the new sacred, where diversity and our individual path is valued.
- a place to embody our spirit and wisdom, embracing all we are in the unfolding of a new consciousness - in the birthing of a New Earth.
The name is inspired by the rythm and song of Pharrell Williams
 "HAPPY" - clap along if you feel
 like a room without a roof...
The words and the music makes me feel free and all-inclusiveky alive.
Now - for me - to create a space where this is likely to occur  - that's what it's about...
A supportive frame where I freely can follow my inner guidance and take note of the impact of others
- through body, voice, words, energy - discover, rewild, reconnect to my whole self - and unfold this new me that otherwise is only a hunch, a state of being indescribable.
At the same time it is a space to come to like myself as well as come to like others and sometimes evoke the heart that opens to the love of life and acknowledgement of the path I'm on.
From experience I find this likely to occur when we meet in an unmasked setting open to all our languages of expression - in and beyond words. And bring our inherent wisdom and spirit to the body- to the space. | Sukkertoppen, Søhøjlandet, Midtjylland - DENMARK