of the present moment, free spirit and unfoldment

- at the full moon, January 25th. Circle starts 5pm indoors
+ Saturday, February 24th. 
about the magical undercurrents, the processes, 
- our invisible traces to a new world
Are we the magical grassroots of our time!?
with different colors, ages, ethnicities, queer and quirky corners and spiritual orientations...
This is an invitation to CO-CREATE A SUBTLE FIELD ~
A ROOM for our processes and the unfolding of that which can only come into play in a responsive space with others.
It is an invitation to search deeper and share from what is present in you - to maybe bring in something from heart, soul, body that is precious/urgent to you.

THE COMMON FRAMEWORK is the circle and the principle 'a leader in every chair'.
A framework where you can be you and participate in your own way.
A place where
- we can share and take initiative - and we listen to each other 
- we can be in silence and listen within - and maybe easier get in touch with what the present moment calls for
- we can unfold what would not otherwise be brought to the world

THE COMMON FIELD - the invisible space between us - means a lot to how we dare and are able to express ourselves - to how our authenticity, true feelings, inherent wisdom and magic can come forth.
We weave this common field with what each one brings to the circle and the attitude/intention we hold.
Words such as: becoming present with what is ~ listening from the heart ~ vulnerability in one's expression ~ embracing the light and the dark - all we are ~ taking our projections, judgements, advices back to ourselves - maybe speak out loud to help the transformation going ~ celebrating our diversity and interconnectedness - these can be keys to a spacious space; a space that allows 'nothing' to appear and leaves space for change and magic to find its own ways...

Maybe you bring along something that can be brought into play!?

This time, I, Hannah, facilitates the startup and the tuning in.
From here the circle finds its own flow.

BEFORE the circle those who wish can meet at Sukkertoppen, around the rise of the moon and sunset.
Fullmoon rises 15:48 / Sun sets 16:38
May the magic weathermakers stand by us.
At the time of writing, the forecast says a mild wind and sun 🙂
In the focused space of the circle.
It is expected to last as long as it lasts, maybe a couple of hours or as the energy allows.

AFTER the circle you are welcome to stay and have a meal together
- bring your own food / maybe a little something to share.
You are welcome to join in the circle at 5pm or as it fits your day.

EXCHANGE ECONOMY - here means that noone pays to participate. Instead you contribute your way by paying attention to what is needed in room and relations and if there are any shared expenses or practicalities to attend to.

Let me know if you need a lift/have a seat in your car.
Parking will be at Sukkertoppen parking lot, Vilholtvej (less than 10 min. walk from the house)
In case of poor walking you are welcome to park at the house
- let me know, so I can make space

We may agree on the exact meeting place at the last minute.
Be sure that we can be in touch without Wi-Fi - that you know my phone number or I know yours.


Next circle will be on the fullmoon of February
- Saturday, 24th. 
Sunset and moonrise will cross within 10 minutes
Most likely we will meet at Sukkertoppen around 5.20 pm.
More info later... | Sukkertoppen, Søhøjlandet, Midtjylland - DENMARK