November 2021.
The current situation of systems, leaders, forces apparently partly succeding in controlling collective views is a world wide challenge.
This has awakened an old passion in me
how our collective and indiviual narratives/stories we are consciously/unconsciously lead by - how important it is to become aware of which story I choose to be my guide.
The narrative behind our worldview is the key.
Seemingly the 'bad' ending stories florish.
I wish to encourage thj 'good' ending / currently 'good being' stories. Simply because they live in me as my truth.
But I too get my doubts and wonder if humanity is on a path of extinction.
I need to gather with others who wish to rise to a higher freequency - where we know from inner guidance and knowing see an other perspective - a perspective that ask of us to shine our lights - much needed.
Together we nourish the light - the frequencies we choose create change on this planet (listening to Pleiadian messages supports this)
By bringing spirit and environmental understanding into practice
we grow a new earth.